Introducing St Andrew’s Church
St Andrew’s Church in Newlands reached 100 years in 1994, and the foundation stone was laid by Lady Loch, the wife of the then-Governor of the Cape, on 6 March 1894. The completed building was consecrated by the Bishop West Jones on St Andrew’s Day on 30 November 1894 and it was the first of over fifty churches in South Africa to be designed by Sir Herbert Baker.
The mission of St Andrew’s Church is to serve God, and to fulfil this mission we provide an all-inclusive, flexible and nurturing space that meets the diverse needs of our loyal parish and community. We strive to be a loving, active Christian community which encourages everybody to follow Christ as disciples, by being obedient to his Word and Spirit. St Andrew’s Church takes God’s love to the local community, the poor, the needy and indeed to the world!
What we offer
The parish welcomes members of all ages. Children and young adults are both equally important to the church, and great care is taken to ensure that they feel at home with the St Andrew’s Church parish family. The following services are on offer, as well as many others:
- The Children’s Church: we meet during the 9:00 am service during school terms, and join the congregation in church for communion.
- The Ladies’ Guild: this group meets for tea and other fun activities, and there are a number of active groups involved in our Soup Kitchen program, tapestry group, pre-school support for disadvantaged communities and so forth.
- HIV/AIDS Task Team: this team works with the Fikelela Aids Project (the co-ordinating body of the Diocese of CT) to help raise funds and supply food parcels for the needy suffering from the effects of this disease.
- Bible Study and Prayer Groups: these meet throughout the year, and enable people to fully explore their faith, and develop the gifts of leadership and ministry. Alpha Course are also conducted.
If you would like more information on joining the parish of St Andrew’s Church, please feel free to visit our website or contact us directly. We look forward to welcoming you to our family!